(Mar 26) “Pandore mise en boîte de l’Antiquité à aujourd’hui”. Opening conference in a cycle of conferences entitled “Sacré genre ! Dialogues autour de la sacralité et du féminin au Musée Bible+Orient”, Université de Fribourg (Switzerland). | poster | website
(Mar 25) “L’art comme témoin du passé : l’archéologie à travers l’œil de l’artiste”. Short lecture at the vernissage of CITIES OF LOST MEMORY : DREAMING OF ANTIQUITY”, 25 MAR-25 SEP 2025, Musée Bible+Orient”, Fribourg (Switzerland).
(Feb 6) “Comment la propagande nazie instrumentalisa l’antiquité gréco-romaine : l’antisémitisme dans les dessins de presse de l’entre-deux guerre et 1939-1945”. Les Midis de l’Antiquité, Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium). | poster | website | Programme | Youtube (with EN/FR subtitles)
(June 6) “How Nazi propaganda weaponized Greco-Roman antiquity: antisemitism in political cartoons”. EJCC, Brussels (Belgium). | poster | Online recording
(March 24) “Historical thoughts on the festival of Purim”. EJCC, Brussels (Belgium). | poster
(May 13) “De l’usage malsain de l’antiquité gréco-romaine dans la propagande nazie: antisémitisme et dessins de presse”. Maale, Bruxelles (Belgium). | poster
(April 22) “The COVID-19 crisis in political cartoons inspired by classical themes: a case-study in classical reception”. Classical Association Conference 2023, (UK), Panel 33 – Classics in Art and Cartoons, Room G.19. Cambridge, UK. | programme | Website | Abstract
(July 16) “L’iconographie du second Temple et sa destruction à travers les siècles. Entre souci d’exactitude et propagande antisémite”. Maale, Bruxelles (Belgium). | poster
(October 1) “La réception de l’antiquité gréco-romaine dans la caricature politique chinoise”. La perception de la Chine dans la caricature occidentale. Colloque organisé à l’université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest) les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2021 par Yue Yue et Jean-Claude Gardes. (France). | programme | poster
(July 1) “L’art de traduire la science : traits culturels, jargon et choix du “plain style” de Robertson Davies”. Les intraduisibles de l’Antiquité. De la philosophie à l’anthropologie historique. Journée doctorale du campus Condorcet, Bâtiment Recherche Sud – salle 0.032. Organisé par Adrien Coignoux, E. Colangelo, M. Garré, Audrey Vasselin. Paris (France). | pdf
(October 16) “The Greek crisis (2010-2016) viewed by European cartoonists: use (and abuse) of Classical Greece in addressing current affairs”, Opening lecture in the Studium Generale Lecture series “Homo ridens – Humour in ancient cultures”, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany).
(April 29) “Images en jeu. Techniques de marketing visuel dans la céramique attique”, University of Fribourg, Site Miséricorde, MIS 2029, 5.15pm-6.45pm (Switzerland).
(October 19) ‘Between verbal and visual humour on Greek vases: the exquisite art of signatures’, “Verbal humour in Ancient Greece: Jokes, Puns, and Double Entendres”, Louvain-la-Neuve university (Belgium).
(November 17-18) ‘De l’usage de la laideur dans une société tournée vers la beauté: paradigmes sociaux et visuels de la Grèce classique d’après les vases attiques figurés’, Table ronde internationale “Caricature et laideur dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine”, Brest, UBO (France).
(July 15) ‘Interpreting ancient Greek visual humour’, HOP Network, Collaboratory 1, Aberdeen university (UK).
(June 5) ‘La crise grecque aux mains des dessinateurs de presse européens : usage et abus de la Grèce classique pour traiter d’un sujet contemporain’. Festival de l’Histoire de l’Art, 3-5 june 2016, Fontainebleau, France | read more
(May 27) ‘Les corps émaciés dans l ´art grec et romain : images de la famine, intérêt médical ou caricature?’, Journée d’étude “La soeur des Douleurs: La faim et la famine dans l’Antiquité. Aspects sociaux, médicaux et religieux”, Paris, Sorbonne.
(March 27) ‘Pandore mise en boîte: comment les dessinateurs de presse s’inspirent de l’antiquité’. Université de Genève, Switzerland, Uni Bastions, Salle B105, 20:00 | pdf
(March 27) ‘Les limites de la liberté d’expression dans la démocratie Athénienne d’après les vases grecs’. Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.
(March 18) ‘What is the right amount? How to use (or abuse) archaeology in fiction writing’. International Study Group, 1640 Rhode St. Genèse, Brussels, 10:30
(March 8) ‘Tradition classique et imagerie populaire. La réception de l’Antiquité dans les dessins de presse (du XXe siècle à nos jours)’. Université de Strasbourg, France, 18H30 – MISHA (salle de Conférence) 5, allée du général Rouvillois | web | pdf
(March 4) ‘The classical tradition and popular imagery. Classical reception in editorial cartoons from the 20th century to the present day’. Center for Global Studies, University of Bern, Switzerland, 18:00, CGS-Forum, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, room F006 (Organiser: Prof. Dr. Thomas Späth) | web
(February 23) Debating with Alain de Botton and Susan Wolf on “Looking for meaning”, on The Forum, BBC World Service, Saturday 23rd February 2013, at 13:05, 23:05. Tune in! | web/podcast, etc.
(December 8-9) ‘Humour and women at work: did women paint Greek vases? Comparative evidence with a traditional Moroccan ceramic workshop’. Umeå University, Sweden, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS): Conference on humour and gender | web
(February 23) ‘Women, humour and the male gaze in 5th century B.C. Athens’. The Reform Club, London, The Thackeray Society | web
(January 26-27) ‘Vases grecs et humour graphique: comment signer son oeuvre. Le cas du pottier Nikosthénès’. Université Toulouse II Le Mirail, France, Colloque international : Textes et images | web | pdf
(September 5-6) ‘Disparate bodies in ancient artefacts: the function of caricature and pathological grotesques among Roman terracotta figurines’. University of Antwerpen, Belgium, Disparate Bodies “A Capite ad Calcem” in Ancient Rome | pdf
(May 10) ‘Démocratie et imagerie populaire: la réception de personnages de l’époque Gréco-romaine, d’oeuvres d’art classiques et de personnages mythologiques dans les caricatures de journaux du 19ème siècle à nos jours’. Université de Fribourg, Fac. de Lettres, Switzerland. | pdf
(May 9) ‘Caricature et physiognomonie antiques’. 6 lectures. Cours-bloc, Journée doctorale Edocsa/Callisto. Université de Fribourg, Faculté de Lettres, Switzerland. | web | pdf
(February 15) ‘Visual Caricature and Parody: towards a Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Carnival at the Kabirion Sanctuary (5th–4th centuries BC) in Central Greece’. Brussels, Université Libre de Bruxelles, International Seminars, Pottery in ancient Societies: contexts and uses, CReA-Patrimoine. | web | pdf
(June 18-20) ‘Democracy and popular media: classical receptions in 19th and 20th centuries political cartoons: statesmen, mythological figures and celebrated artworks’. Milton Keynes, The Open University, UK. Conference on Classics in the Modern World – a Democratic Turn? An International Research Collaboration. Convened the Panel on Democracy and Popular Media. | web | pdf
(May 19-22) ‘Grotesque terracotta in the Greco-Roman world: the role of caricature in visual humour, of theatrical masks in the realm of Comedy and of portraits of deformity in ancient medical centres’. Parma, 50th National Congress of the SNO (Società dei Neurologi, Neurochirurghi e Neuroradiologi Ospedalieri). Historical Pannel “Art or Neurology?”. | Full Program | web | pdf
(April 19) ‘Gender archaeology: comic iconography of women and the male gaze in 5th century B.C. Athens’, Brussels, International Study Group, 1640 Rhode St. Genèse, Brussels. | web
(April 3-6) Humour as a tool of social cohesion: images of foreigners in ancient Athens’. Glasgow. Classical Association and Classical Association of Scotland 2009. | web | pdf
(March 13). ‘Gender archaeology: comic iconography of women and the male gaze in 5th century B.C. Athens’, Histories of Humour and Laughter Workshop. Cambridge, Newnham College. | web
(December 4) ‘Variety and Function in Greek Sculpture’. Sovereign Education Ltd, London, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square.
8 lectures The material culture of ancient & modern democracies. The M. Ragazzi Lectures, 12 Arlie Gardens, London.
(November 19) ‘Hercules comicus: a case study in the politics of natural justice, from Greek temples to San Marco in Venice’. Oxford University Archaeological Society (OUAS)
‘Sacred Landscapes: from the Delphic Omphalos to the Umbilicus Orbis on the Roman Forum’, M. Ragazzi Seminars, 12 Arlie Gardens, London.
(February 22) ‘Visual Caricature and Parody: towards a Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Carnival at the Kabirion Sanctuary (5th–4th centuries BC) in Central Greece’, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford. Seminar on Ancient Parody.
(March 21) ‘The Archaeology of Humour: a case study’, Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Complex and Literature Societies Seminar Series.
(February 21) ‘A reconstruction of Greek Carnival at the Kabirion sanctuary in ancient Boeotia’, Bakhtin Research centre, University of Sheffield. | web
(January 10) ‘Victory Monuments in Ancient Rome, An archaeological approach to the Power of Images’, Archaeological Survey of India, Bhopal, India.
(December 2) ‘Athens: Art and archaeology in the 5th century B.C.’, Department of Classics, University of Reading.
(February 20-22) ‘www.beazley.ox.ac.uk’, French School of Athens, International Conference on the current state of scientific publications, Athens. | review | web
(March 27) ‘La parodie mythologique dans la peinture de vases attique’, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
(March 28) ‘Les canthares du Cabirion thébain: déformations corporelles, caricature et problèmes de style’, University of Fribourg, Switzerland: Symposium sur le corps et ses différences.
(February 14) ‘Satyrs and mythological parody in Greek vase-painting’, Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, Greek Archaeology Seminar. | web
(June 13) ‘Afghanistan’s stolen and desecrated archaeological heritage’, Jointly with Prof. Z. Tarzi, International Conference on the Obliteration of the National Heritage of Afghanistan, S.O.A.S., London. | web
(April 2) ‘L’humour des Grecs, Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg. | web
(March 11) ‘La représentation de la Comédie Ancienne et du drame satyrique dans la peinture de vases’. Colloque sur la Comédie Antique, organised by Paris IV, E.N.S., University of Strasbourg II.